Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Tale of Two Cities

I'm from Poteet, TX. And Robert is from El Paso, TX. Naturally we each have family (important family) in our respective hometowns. I thought living in one city and visiting the other 3 or 4 times a year was hard BEFORE we had our beautiful baby boy.

I recently visited all of my family in San Antonio for my nephews birthday party. We were there for two weeks. Prior to this visit my mom was the only one who had seen Dominic in person; not in only pictures, and he was already 3 1/2 months old! Needless to say we had so much fun! Dominic went to the zoo for the first time with his mom, grandma, aunts Mona and Mari, Uncle Albert, and his cousins Marcus and Nathan. Even though he slept through half of it I'd like to believe he had fun. He also went swimming for the first time! He was a natural. He would lean forward and kick his feet and splash his arms. The only time he cried was right before we got out and only because he was hungry. He went to Peter's to celebrate Marcus's 2nd birthday and met a lot of his grandma's family.

When it came time to leave, I was so sad. We weren't going to be back in San Antonio for another 4 months! Dominic would be 8 months already, eating different foods, crawling (hopefully), and so much other fun stuff! We were all very sad and of course there were tears falling. Also in four months my new niece will be born! Melanie will be 2 months by then. I'm getting all weepy just thinking about how fast time flies and how fast babies grow!

Four months after that Dominic will be one year old and we'll be seeing family again when they come to El Paso to celebrate his birthday!

I think even harder will be when we have to leave El Paso. I will soon be applying for schools to get my Master's Degree and if I get accepted to one in San Antonio I will be jumping at the opportunity. But that will mean leaving behind Grandma Alice and Aunt Jessie, all of Robert's family, and all of the friends we have here.

Either way, we will always be missing someone and will have to travel 3 or 4 times a year to visit someone. The visits will always seem to short and too far between. The goodbyes will always be sad and unwanted. If only there were vehicles fast than planes and cheaper so we could visit every other weekend!

For now, this is the story of our lives.....our tale of two cities!